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Antifeedants are natural or synthetic substances that deter pests from feeding on plants by making the plants unpalatable or toxic to them, thus effectively protecting crops from damage.

Why is it important

  • Reduced Crop Damage: Anti-feedants deter pests from feeding on crops, reducing damage caused by herbivorous insects and minimizing yield losses.

  • Environmentally Safe: Anti-feedants are typically non-toxic to humans, beneficial insects, and non-target organisms, making them suitable for use in integrated pest management (IPM) programs.

  • Resistance Management: Anti-feedants employ multiple modes of action against pests, reducing the likelihood of resistance development and offering a sustainable long-term solution for pest control.


Our Products

Explore our range of premium Antifeedant products tailored to meet your agricultural needs, deterring pests and minimizing crop damage by reducing feeding activity.