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Multi-Bio is a dual-action bio-fertilizer with beneficial mycorrhiza fungi and essential nutrients. It supports organic nutrient absorption and promotes optimal soil productivity for healthy plant growth.




Pantoea spp.


Bacillus spp.


Azotoacter spp.


Rhizobium spp.




LB Planetarium


Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR)



Dosage & Application

Powder Usage

Mix 40 grams of MULTI-BIO powder in 500 liters of water. Apply through a drip irrigation system or as a spray for one acre of crop. It is preferable to apply before using any anti-weed or anti-fungal products.

Liquid Usage

Mix 40 ml of MULTI-BIO liquid in 500 liters of water for one acre of crop. Apply before using any anti-weed or anti-fungal products.

Liquid Dosage

  • Seed Treatment: For cereals like Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Barley, Oats, Millets, etc., mix 20 ml of Multi-Bio Liquid in 500 ml of water. Thoroughly coat 15 kgs of seeds with this mixture. Dry the seeds in shade before sowing.

  • Root Dip Treatment: Mix 40 ml of Multi-Bio Liquid in 5 liters of water. Dip the roots before planting for one acre. Alternatively, prepare a small bed in the field, add 40 ml of Multi-Bio Liquid with water (half-inch depth), and dip the roots of plants to be planted for one acre in this suspension for 8 to 12 hours before planting.

  • Main Field Application: Mix 40 ml in 20 liters of water and apply to the soil via drip system for one acre of land.

Application Frequency

For main field application, treat the soil before sowing and again at the flowering stage.

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