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Trichoderma harzianum

Trichoderma harzianum is a beneficial fungus widely used in agriculture for its biocontrol properties and plant growth-promoting effects. It manages fungal pathogens and soil-dwelling nematodes by producing antifungal metabolites and parasitizing harmful fungi, protecting crops from diseases.

In addition to disease management, T. harzianum enhances seed germination, promotes robust plant growth, and strengthens plant defense mechanisms. Its ability to improve soil health and plant resilience makes it a vital tool in sustainable agriculture and integrated pest management strategies.


1 x 10⁸ CFU per gram / 1 x 10⁹ CFU per gram


Dosage & Application

Wettable Powder: 2 x 10⁶ CFU per gram

  • Other Uses: Can also be used as nematicides; can be used as bio seed care

  • Seed Dressing: mix 5g Trichoderma Harzianum with 5g crude sugar in sufficient water to make a slurry and coat seeds and dry in shade and sow / broadcast / dibble in the field. Do not store treated / coated seeds more than 24 hrs.

  • Foliar Application: 1 Acre dose: 3-5 kg, 1 Ha dose: 7.5 - 12.5 Kg

  • Soil Application (Soil drench or Drip irrigation): 1 Acre dose: 3-5 kg, 1 Ha dose: 7.5 - 12.5 Kg

  • Soil Application (Soil drench or Drip irrigation) for Long duration crops / Orchards / Perennials: 1 Acre dose: 3-5 kg, 1 Ha dose: 7.5 - 12.5 Kg, Apply 2 times in 1 Year. Before onset of monsoon and after monsoon.

  • Seed Dressing: 1 Kg seed: 5g Trichoderma Harzianum + 5g crude sugar

  • Foliar application for Long duration crops / Orchards / Perennials: 1 Acre dose: 1 Kg, 1 Ha dose: 2.5 Kg, Apply 2 times in 1 Year. Before onset of monsoon and after monsoon.

Soluble Powder: 1 x 10⁸ CFU per gram 

  • Foliar Application: 1 Acre dose: 1 Kg, 1 Ha dose: 2.5 Kg

  • Soil Application (Soil drench or Drip irrigation): 1 Acre dose: 1 Kg, 1 Ha dose: 2.5 Kg

  • Soil Application (Soil drench or Drip irrigation) for Long duration crops / Orchards / Perennials: 1 Acre dose: 1 Kg, 1 Ha dose: 2.5 Kg

  • Seed Dressing: 1 Kg seed: 0.5g Trichoderma Harzianum + 5g crude sugar

  • Foliar Application for Long duration crops / Orchards / Perennials: 1 Acre dose: 1 Kg, 1 Ha dose: 2.5 Kg, Apply 2 times in 1 Year. Before onset of monsoon and after monsoon.

Seed Dressing Method:

Mix Trichoderma Harzianum with crude sugar in sufficient water to make a slurry and coat seeds. Dry in shade and sow / broadcast / dibble in the field. Do not store treated / coated seeds for more than 24 hours.

Soil Application Method:

  • Mix Trichoderma Harzianum at recommended doses with compost and apply at early life stages of crop along with other biofertilizers. First application: At land preparation stage / sowing / planting. Second application: Three weeks after first application.

  • Mix Trichoderma Harzianum at recommended doses in sufficient water and drench soil at early leaf stage / 2-4 leaf stage / early crop life cycle.

  • Drip Irrigation: If there are insoluble particles, filter the solution and add to drip tank.

  • For long duration crops / Perennial / Orchard crops: Dissolve Trichoderma Harzianum at recommended doses in sufficient water and apply as a drenching spray near root zone twice a year. It is recommended to have the first application before the onset of the main monsoon / rainfall / spring season and the second application after the main monsoon / rainfall / autumn / fall season.

Foliar Application Method:

Mix Trichoderma Harzianum at recommended doses in sufficient water and spray on soil during the off-season. Apply twice a year for long duration crops. It is recommended to have the first application before the onset of the main monsoon / rainfall / spring season and the second application after the main monsoon / rainfall / autumn / fall season.

Note: Do not store Trichoderma Harzianum solution for more than 24 hours after mixing in water.

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