Pseudomonas putida
Pseudomonas putida is a beneficial bacterium known for producing growth-promoting substances like indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), enhancing plant development and root architecture. It degrades organic pollutants, improving soil health and structure while making nutrients more bioavailable. Additionally, P. putida boosts plant stress tolerance by mitigating the effects of drought, salinity, and heavy metals, making it invaluable for sustainable agriculture and environmental remediation.
1 x 10⁸ CFU per gram / 1 x 10⁹ CFU per gram
Dosage & Application
Seed Coating/Seed Treatment: 1 kg of seeds will be coated with a slurry mixture of 10 g of Pseudomonas putida and 10 g of crude sugar in sufficient water. The coated seeds will then be dried in shade and sow or broadcast in the field
Seedling Treatment: Dip the seedlings into the mixture of 100 grams of Pseudomonas putida and sufficient amount of water.
Soil Treatment: Mix 3-5 kg per acre of Pseudomonas putida with organic manure/organic fertilizers. Incorporate the mixture and spread into the field at the time of planting/sowing.
Irrigation: Mix 3 kg per acre of Pseudomonas putida in a sufficient amount of water and run into the drip lines.