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Utbatt Disease

It is a fungal and seed borne disease. It is a serious disease since it causes 100% sterility to the panicles. The fungus attacks the panicles resulting in sticking together of the ash coloured spikelets so that no grains formation can take place. Infected plants are shorter in heights and thus escape attention.

  • Avoid heavy nitrogen dose.

  • Use disease free seed.

  • Chemical control.

  • Treat the seed with Carbendazin @ 1gm/Kg of seed before planting.

Biological Control

Use our Consortium of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, B.subtilis and Pseudomonas Fluorscens @ 1.5 Kg /Acre by diluting in 200 L Water using high volume power sprayer.

Shelf Life & Packaging

Shelf life : Best before 24 months, Stored in room temperature.
Packaging : 1 Kg. each & above

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